I interviewed Neetu Bhatia, co-founder and Chairman of Kyazoonga.com Excerpts from the interview. It was carried in a daily which has special pages dedicated to female readers a) What does Kyazoonga stand for? Kyazoonga — Jump the Q, stands for seamless experience for the end customers when it comes to buying tickets for an entertainment or sporting event in the country. It’s a name, which would initially stand out as a recall factor, but once an association has been established, Kyazoonga would guarantee a hassle-free experience. b) Why an online ticketing store? And, why cater to only entertainment and sporting events? My brother Akash, who is also the co-founder of Kyazoonga came up with this idea when he was on a holiday here. He was taken aback to find that bookings for a movie/ play could be done only in person or on telephone. He called me up and asked if I was game for setting up an online ticketing store in India. I agreed and in April...
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