By Ambika Shaligram Experiencing motherhood made Honey Bajaj realise major gaps in the support system, especially in India. Bajaj, who heads special projects at the Managing Trustee’s Office at Tata Trusts, realised that there is an urgent need for a verified evidence based platform to empower the pregnancy to parenthood journey. Hence, she started The First Parents, a unique technology platform for parents and parents to be. Here’s more from Bajaj… Can you tell us how your personal experiences of being a mother and an innovator helped in shaping The First Parents? I have been an innovator for over a decade and I have had the opportunity to work and invent baby incubators for pre-term and low birth weight babies, rotatable forceps for helping in operative vaginal delivery or more commonly known as forceps delivery at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston and data driven platforms for improving maternal and infant mortality for the Public Health Department of ...
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