Interviewed Swati Raje of Bhaashaa Foundation. --- Swati Raje, founder-president of Bhaashaa Foundation, will be awarded for her work in language preservation, in Los Angeles, in July. She talks about her work and the initiatives that she has introduced. I asked a group of Marathi-speaking youngsters the meaning of this sentence —- Gurakhi pava vajavto. Many of them professed ignorance about the word ‘pava.’ Some thought it to be pao (bread slice), others thought it to be a synonym for clapping. The word actually means flute. It is the loss of cultural expressions like this, witnessing mediocrity, and the reliance on audio-visual images more than words, in my 15 odd years of journalistic career, that propelled me to start Bhaashaa Foundation — The Centre for Preservation and Enhancement of Regional Languages, in Pune. We cannot do away with English, nor can we complain about hegemony of other languages, so it makes sense to strengthen and enrich our regional languages. When i...
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