Thursday...Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Three days more! Sharada was thrilled as she ticked marked the days on the calendar. She had labeled Sunday as Sunday's Surprise, because the much-awaited holiday was spent differently every week. Sharada and her parents went to malls, parks, ice-cream parlour or sights around the city. The best part was their day was foot-loose! So, this Sunday when her Dad asked Sharada what she would like to do, she chirped, 'Let's go on a drive.' In the afternoon, they set off in their car, humming songs along with the FM radio. Sharada's Dad drove to the outskirts, where there was less of mad honking, and the air was cooler. Seated in the back, Sharada saw houses painted in bright oranges and yellows, sparrows queuing up on the electric wires and green meadows, pass by in a blur. She wondered if Dad would stop the car and they would settle under a tree and eat a picnic snack. But, he kept on driving. Soon, the drive turned bumpy, beca...
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