Sir, Sir, Sarla, Makarand Deshpande's longest running play is going to be staged on Friday evening in the city. The play opened in 2001 with Anurag Kashyap, Sonali Kulkarni and Makarand. Over the years, Makarand wrote two more parts. In the show at Pune, Sir, Sir...will have part one and a portion from part two in it. The play, which reopened in 2012, now has Sanjay Dadhich, Faisal Rashid, Aahna Kumra and Makarand playing the main roles. Talking about the play, Dadhich says, “I am playing Phanidhar, who is in love with Sarla. Both of them and Keshav are Hindi literature students of Palekar Sir. Sarla is in love with Palekar Sir, but he says that it's ethically wrong and on his insistence, she gets married to another student. Phanidhar is a little angry with Sir saying that he could have help him win Sarla's love.” The play starts with a dream, Phanidhar and Palekar Sir are talking about past memories. At interval point, Sarla comes to meet Palekar Sir and then wha...
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